The Dead Sea Scrolls of the Qumran Caves were discovered by a Bedouin boy, a shepherd, in 1947, the same year this author was born. Archaeologists arrived in 1949 and many more Scrolls of the Judean Desert were discovered in this first cave and a dozen other caves. The scrolls were well preserved, having been… Continue reading The Bible is Truth
Author: James
Renewed Mind & Logo
The mind is an amazing instrument. When the mind of man pursues God – well, note Romans 12:2; And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. God reminds Job: Who has… Continue reading Renewed Mind & Logo
Whatever Happened To Sin: Personal Responsibility
I mentioned in the introduction to this series psychiatrist Karl Menninger’s book, “Whatever Became of Sin?”. Karl Menninger, in the 1990, Life Magazine special edition, was named one of the 100 most significant individuals of the 20th century. Dr. Menninger wrote a number of very influential books, but none more influential than this title, “Whatever Became… Continue reading Whatever Happened To Sin: Personal Responsibility
Whatever Happened To Sin In 2022, An Introduction
In 1973, psychiatrist Karl Menninger published a book with an intriguing title, “Whatever Became of Sin?” He made the point that sociology and psychology tend to avoid terms like “evil,” or “immorality,” and “wrongdoing.” Menninger laid out how the human manipulation of the theological notion of sin had become the legal idea of crime, then… Continue reading Whatever Happened To Sin In 2022, An Introduction
Christmas In America
Christmas is a celebration of life. Why, then, are so many in America actively against Christmas? They want “Happy Holidays” – not “Merry Christmas”. They claim that the Constitution of the United States of America separates all religious voice or action from being expressed in government, or even public business. Yet the authors of our… Continue reading Christmas In America
The Promise of Sunset – Review
The Promise Of Sunset by author James Duncan is captivating and full of exciting adventures. Witty humor and suspense are on every page! If you like mystery, crime, romance, and beauty this book is for you! This well written book is chalked full of twists and turns of events that keeps you wanting to read… Continue reading The Promise of Sunset – Review
The Promise of Sunset Is Live
To purchase this book, copy this link without the dash:-
The Joy of Thanksgiving
There are individuals who claim that celebrations of any kind are not to be a part of a Christian’s life. However, God commanded the Israelites to celebrate, at least seven times a year. He commanded them to celebrate the Passover, which looked forward to Jesus Christ’s death for us. We are thus to celebrate Resurrection… Continue reading The Joy of Thanksgiving
The Promise of Sunset – 2 Chapters
Chapter 1 was edited since it was posted so both chapter 1 and chapter 2 is included in this post. Chapter 1 The honeymoon couple and pilot were flying in clear blue skies enjoying the beauty and solitude of the four-seated plane, eager for the next phase of their trip. “Rudy, how long ‘til we… Continue reading The Promise of Sunset – 2 Chapters
Men and Women of Good Reputation, Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom
We live in a world where men are discounted and statements like the following are spoken by leading women in the world: “Women have arrived. We don’t need men anymore.” To put the response in human vernacular, that may come as a shock to God. The first problem is this: the world has redefined the… Continue reading Men and Women of Good Reputation, Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom