The Promise of Sunset

This post is the first chapter of my novel, The Promise of Sunset, a sequel to In The Morning At Sunrise. Many have asked about the sequel so I will post a few chapters here in the weeks ahead. Be sure to Subscribe to this blog.

Chapter 1

            The honeymoon couple were flying in clear blue skies enjoying the beauty and solitude of the four-seated plane, eager for the next phase of their trip.
            “Rudy, how long ‘til we land?” Nelson Graham could see that they were approaching the Kansas City area but didn’t know which airport Rudy was using.

            “We won’t be long, now. We’re flying into the old airport, and you will be able to take a taxi out to the international airport.”

            Nelson and Judith Graham were just beginning their honeymoon, and both were excited to fly on to Toronto, Canada, where they were to board the train for their Trans Canada excursion.

            “Nels, I believe I flew out of the old airport when I was a child. Mom and Dad were going to Florida for a vacation and work. It’ll be fun to see it now.” Judith was trying to get an early peek of the old Kansas City airport. “It seems to me that it was right by the river.”

            “Yes, in fact, the river goes around it.” Rudy Duland, their pilot and friend, spoke while he kept his eye on the air traffic around him. “But it’s popular because of its close proximity to downtown Kansas City. Even Air Force 1 flies in here once in a while for important meetings. Even though the airlines don’t fly in here anymore it’s a very busy airport, what with corporate jets and privately owned planes. We’re just a few miles out right now.”

            While Rudy communicated with the tower Nelson and Judith looked for familiar sights below.

            “The metro-area is really growing. I didn’t remember the growth going this far south. I’m glad we’re not driving.” Judith continued to scan the area, looking back toward the path they had taken. “Say, Nels, isn’t that plane following us too close?”

            Nelson looked back and studied the situation for a moment. As he watched, the plane appeared to go to a higher elevation and level off.

            “He may be going to the Wheeler Airport, as we are. He just maneuvered to a higher elevation so he may have noticed he was too close and chose that action to eliminate any danger.”  Nelson spoke reassuringly but kept his eye on the plane.

            “I’ll check with the tower about him,” Rudy said as he reached for the mic.

            While communication went back and forth between Rudy and the tower Judith and Nelson would periodically glance back at the twin-engine plane following them, but nothing unusual seemed to be going on. Suddenly, the speaker grabbed their attention.

            “We can’t get a response from the twin-engine on your tail. Advise you change course and approach from the east.”  

            “That guy needs to go back to flight school.”  Rudy spoke as he changed course to maneuver away from the plane and set up for his approach to the airport.

            Nelson watched the twin-engine as their plane turned and saw, to his amazement, that the pilot following them did the same. As Rudy straightened to an easterly direction so did the pilot of the other plane.

            “Rudy, I think this guy is indeed following us,” Nelson exclaimed pointing to the plane behind them and watched as the other pilot appeared to be closing the distance between them.

            “I don’t know if that guy thinks it’s a joke to harass other pilots but if we can get his aircraft registration number, I’m turning him in to the FAA.” Rudy was not angry but he was getting close.

            Nelson and Judith watched as Rudy banked his plane and proceeded to make his approach for landing.  The other pilot followed and as their plane flew over the river the other pilot gained speed and flew directly above them.

            “Rudy, I think that guy is trying to come down on top of us!” Nelson held Judith close as he spoke. “Better take some evasive action or he will kill us!”

            As Nelson spoke they felt a heavy thud above them. Rudy started a steep dive while still trying to maintain course for the runway.  The twin-engine plane above them lowered his nose and hit them again. This time the jolt sent their plane into an even  steeper dive.

            “Nels!!” It was all Judith could get out.


  1. I’m so excited to read the continuation of this amazing story. What a treat to get a sneak peek. Thank you 😊

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