We live in a world where men are discounted and statements like the following are spoken by leading women in the world: “Women have arrived. We don’t need men anymore.” To put the response in human vernacular, that may come as a shock to God.
The first problem is this: the world has redefined the roles of men and women, and redefined them, and redefined them, and redefined them, etc. Adam received instruction from God concerning a certain tree, and he was to pass that instruction on to Eve. He apparently didn’t do it exactly right (remembering that we are not to add or take away from the words of God) for when Eve was confronted by the serpent (aided by Satan himself) Eve added words (Genesis 2:16-17; 3:3) to the instruction given by God (we are reminded that the New Testament states the Eve was deceived and that Adam was the one who sinned [2 Corinthians 3:11; Romans5:14-18]). God’s instructions have been added to or taken away from ever since, much to the harm of the relationship between men and women.
What needs to occur is that all of us go back and take a look at the beginning. In Genesis 1:27-28 we find these words: “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’” It says that God created THEM and said to THEM: “Be fruitful” and later “have dominion” over all the rest of creation. It is clear from the text, and also from a closer look at the original language of this scripture that God, who made everything, placed the stewardship of His creation in the hands of THEM. The original makes clear that the man and the woman were to be partners in stewardship over what was owned by God.
God made the man and woman PARTNERS together over all He made. Boy, have we really messed that up. Not only have we messed up His creation, we have turned a partnership into a war: male against female. And we know who is behind all of that. Yes, Satan himself. Just as he was in the garden twisting God’s words before Adam and Eve so he has been busy twisting every word the Lord God has spoken, including the words of Christ Jesus to His church. It is important to remember that if God spoke to an issue, Satan has said the opposite, and tried to convince the entire human race that what God spoke was stupid, or at best inadequate. Whatever subject hitting the front pages of our newspaper or the screens of our television or computers today that belittles morality, God, his church, or the family, has had the influence of the serpent himself directing us away from, and to the exact opposite of what God has said. If God says “live by truth,” then Satan states the lie as the “real truth”. And just like Eve, most of humankind has believed his lie.
The church has also often been deceived. Instead of living by the directions of the true Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, individual members of the church have been swayed to some worldly view that was generated by the serpent (”Has God said?”– questioning God’s truthfulness). Instead of keeping the relationship of man and woman in the Partnership Context, every idea that relates to relationships between man and woman (or not between Man and Woman) has been twisted to a practice that pleases Satan, not God. And the excuse for doing so has often had these words attached: “We have grown up since the Bible was written.” Since when can we, the creation, grow up passed the wisdom of the Creator, Christ Jesus? Obviously, we haven’t. We have just become arrogant.
The title of this blog refers to the passage in Acts 6 where seven men were chosen to be Servants in Service in the early church. Later, Paul the apostle writes to a young Pastor Timothy the requirements for that position (found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13). The word “Likewise” in that text makes clear that the Servant in Service (Deacons) were to be just like the pastor, who was addressed in the verses preceding. Also, the word “Likewise” then precedes the instructions for the deacon’s wife. In other words, The deacon and his wife were to be Partners in Service, as was also true for the pastor and his wife. God is unchanging regarding His creation. What was true for Adam and Eve, is also true for the husband and wife in the church today. Partners in Christ in Service.
One of the original seven men chosen in Acts 6 was Phillip. In Acts 21:8 we find that Philip had moved to the city of Caesarea and had a home there with his wife and children. In verse nine we see these words: “Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.” Phillip and his wife had been faithful Partners/Servants in Service who had faithfully taught their daughters, who had themselves developed a faithful relationship with Jesus Christ. Here we see the WISDOM of listening to the words of God and NOT to the lies of Satan. God wants our children to grow up to be godly. Malachi 2:15 states: “But did He not make them one, Having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, And let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth.” We notice here that God made the male and female ONE, and that this ONENESS relationship holds a remnant of the Holy Spirit. The oneness relationship between the husband and wife HOLDS WITHIN IT the very Spirit of God. And for what purpose? God wants godly offspring!! Children who have a deep relationship with God.
So we see why Satan has been busy destroying the original partnership concept/truth that God established. Satan wants to destroy our children. And he has done a very good job. Yet mankind claims they are trying to fix the problem. But what are the “fixes.” More of the lies of Satan (note that any of the world’s programs that has “Self” in the title is not a God designed fix). Any fix that discounts the wisdom of God is just another recycled lie of Satan. But God has been faithful to preserve His Word and truth, so that all we need to do is return to the Holy Spirit led wisdom, and as men and women, live in Partnership in Stewardship before Christ. It isn’t difficult. It just requires faithfulness in the face of difficulty. But the rewards come in great quantities of joy and peace. So, are we ready to be Men and Women of Good Reputation, Full of the Holy Spirit and Wisdom??
Wonderful WORDS of wisdom that our world needs to hear, and adhere to God’s direction today!!