The Promise of Sunset – 2 Chapters

Chapter 1 was edited since it was posted so both chapter 1 and chapter 2 is included in this post.

Chapter 1

The honeymoon couple and pilot were flying in clear blue skies enjoying the beauty and solitude of the four-seated plane, eager for the next phase of their trip.
            “Rudy, how long ‘til we land?” Nelson Graham could see that they were approaching the Kansas City area but didn’t know which airport Rudy was using.

            “We won’t be long, now. We’re flying into the old airport, and you will be able to take a taxi out to the international airport.”

            Nelson and Judith Graham were just beginning their honeymoon, and both were excited to fly on to Toronto, Canada, where they were to board the train for their Trans Canada excursion.

            “Nels, I believe I flew out of the old airport when I was a child. Mom and Dad were going to Florida for a vacation and work. It’ll be fun to see it now.” Judith was trying to get an early peek of the old Kansas City airport. “It seems to me that it was right by the river.”

            “Yes, in fact, the river goes around it.” Rudy Duland, their pilot and friend, spoke while he kept his eye on the air traffic around him. “But it’s popular because of its close proximity to downtown Kansas City. Even Air Force One flies in here once in a while for important meetings. Even though the airlines don’t fly in here anymore it’s a very busy airport, what with corporate jets and privately owned planes. We’re just a few miles out right now.”

            While Rudy communicated with the tower Nelson and Judith looked for familiar sights below.

            “The metro-area is really growing. I didn’t remember the growth going this far south. I’m glad we’re not driving.” Judith continued to try to recognize anything in the area, and while looking back toward the path they had taken she saw a small plane. “Say, Nels, isn’t that plane following us too close?”

            Nelson looked back and studied the situation for a moment. As he watched, the plane appeared to go to a higher elevation and level off.

            “He may be going to the Wheeler Airport, as we are. He just maneuvered to a higher elevation so he may have noticed he was too close and chose that action to eliminate any danger.”  Nelson spoke reassuringly but kept his eye on the plane.

            “I’ll check with the tower about him,” Rudy said as he reached for the mic.

            While communication went back and forth between Rudy and the tower, Judith and Nelson would periodically glance back at the twin-engine plane following them, but nothing out of the ordinary appeared to be going on. Suddenly, the radio speaker grabbed their attention.

            “We can’t get a response from the twin-engine on your tail. Advise you change course and approach from the east.”  

            “That guy needs to go back to flight school.” Rudy spoke as he changed course to maneuver away from the plane and set up his easterly approach to the airport.

            Nelson watched the twin-engine as their plane turned, and saw, to his amazement, that the pilot following them did the same. As Rudy straightened to approach the downtown airport from the east so did the pilot of the other plane.

            “Rudy, I think this guy is indeed following us,” Nelson exclaimed pointing to the plane behind them and watched as the other pilot appeared to be closing the distance between them.

            “I don’t know if that guy thinks it’s a joke to harass other pilots but if we can get his aircraft registration number, I’m turning him in to the FAA. You don’t play chicken in an airplane. You shouldn’t play chicken in anything.” Rudy was not angry, but he was getting close.

            Nelson and Judith watched as Rudy banked his plane and proceeded to make his approach for landing. The other pilot continued to follow, and as Rudy flew their plane over the river readying the plane for landing, the other pilot gained speed and flew directly above them.

            “Rudy, I think that guy is trying to come down on top of us!” Nelson held Judith close as he spoke. “Better take some evasive action or he’ll kill us!”

            Just as Nelson finished speaking, they felt a heavy thud on top of their plane. Rudy started a steep dive while still trying to maintain course for the runway, and after a moment pulled back hard on the yoke. The twin-engine plane above them lowered his nose and hit them again. This time the jolt sent their plane into a steeper dive. It was evident they were about to crash into the river.

            The radio speaker sounded, “Pull up. Pull up.”

“Nels!!” It was all Judith could get out.

Chapter 2

Rudy was working hard to control the plane. He pulled hard on the yoke trying to get lift.  The river was coming up fast and it seemed there was no way to keep from going into the water, but finally the nose came up, and with a shudder the plane rose, just clearing the shore, catching a few weeds with their wheels. Rudy, fighting to slow the plane and land without putting it on its nose, managed to touch down and come to a stop just before the end of the runway.

            All three sat quietly for a moment and then, almost in unison, spoke.

            “Thank you, Lord!  Praise God!”

            Emergency vehicles were soon surrounding the plane in which sat the grateful trio and officials were there to record the account of the life-threatening event, from those who had barely escaped death. The three climbed out of the cockpit and began to answer their questions.

            “Did you get a look at the pilot?  Had the plane been following you long?” The questions came from several directions.

            Rudy put up his hands for quiet and spoke. “We didn’t see another small plane for most of our flight here. This guy came on our tail just a few miles back. Didn’t the tower pick him up on radar?”

            “There’s been a steady stream of traffic all day, all normal until about an hour ago, but when several small planes were backed up for clearance to depart, one twin-engine slipped out and took off without clearance. He must have dived below radar after that, because we couldn’t track him, and none of the pilots coming in could say they had spotted him. It’s likely the same pilot. We have been talking to the pilots on the field, trying to identify that plane, but have come up blank so far. No one can say for sure that they had seen the plane around here before.”

            “Well, he’s not a legal pilot, at least not after today. It’s as if he was trying to kill us.”  Rudy stopped and looked at Nelson. “You don’t suppose its Rodriguez, do you?  Maybe you’d better tell them what’s been going on.”

            Nelson looked at Judith and she nodded back. He started with a brief telling of his involvement in the investigation, being the murder of his young friend, and ended with the news of Rodriquez’s escape from the county jail, though a short account for the hour.

            “We thought this drug lord would head back to Mexico, but it is possible he chose not to. You should check with Sheriff Tom Hill and FBI agent Stan Puckett.”

            “Can I interrupt here?” Rudy pushed to the center of the crowd that had gathered. “This young newlywed couple has a plane to catch out at the international airport and they are going to be late if we don’t let them go.” He looked around at the group as he finished.

            “I can help with that.” One of the officials pushed forward. “I’ll take them over in one of our airport security cars and call ahead so that there is no delay.”

            Nelson and Judith collected their luggage and were escorted to a waiting security car with Rudy following behind.

            “Now, put all of this out of your minds and have a great time. All of us will put our heads together and nab this guy, so no need to worry about a thing. Have a train load of fun, now.” Rudy laughed at his poor attempt at a joke.

            “Train load. Good one, Rudy. Thanks so much. See you when we get back.” Nelson closed the car door as he said goodbye and the car sped off.

            Nelson and Judith were just beginning to relax by the time the car drove up to the security gate. The driver showed his badge and the gate personnel quickly responded and an airport escort vehicle led the way to the Air Canada Jazz gates. Security check point was quickly accomplished and soon they were seated at the gate of their departure.

            “I believe that is the fastest passage to an airport gate that I have ever experienced.” Nelson whispered his comment to Judith so as not to invite listeners.

            “Yes, but wasn’t it a blessing after that nerve-racking experience when we landed. Now we’ll have a little time to relax before our flight to Toronto.”  Judith smiled and leaned against Nelson’s arm as they watched the jets move about on the tarmac.

            When their boarding call came they were ready for the next lag of their adventure. Neither had been to Canada before and though they had experienced train travel, they had never covered the distance this marvelous journey was about to deliver. Both were overjoyed to travel the rails together, to view the sunrises and sunsets while keeping time to the rhythm of the great iron wheels upon the rails.

            Judith found her seat next to the window and Nelson sat beside her after placing their carry-on luggage in the overhead bends. Even though the commuter jet was not one of the large planes it was comfortable and, according to the information available, would make the flight in around two hours.

            The flight attendants were efficient and friendly, and when they realized Nelson and Judith were newlyweds, they quietly provided an extra measure of service. Soon the experience in Kansas City was a distant memory and the loving couple felt their honeymoon was becoming a reality.

            They laughed over some of the fresh memories of their wedding – Charlie, their beloved dog, carrying the rings down the aisle – and they were warmed by the thoughts and expressions they remembered being spoken to them during the reception. But all too soon the announcement was made to prepare for landing at Toronto.

            Nelson and Judith waited for the other passengers to disembark before attempting to retrieve their luggage, but eventually rose to find the flight attendants ushering them down the aisle while they managed the carry-on bags for them. Once inside the terminal the attendants graciously passed off their luggage and wished them a joyous honeymoon.

            Then came the stark reality of customs. The lines were long and the wait time had the sense of time in slow motion. But Nelson and Judith had no need to hurry so they spent the time learning more about each other. The few months they had known one another had been filled with the investigation of Daniel’s murder – and the sorrow that left in each of their hearts – and then filled to overflowing with the plans and arrangement of their wedding. Though they knew the outline of the life of their mate, they didn’t know all the details. So as the line moved on laboriously they enjoyed the discoveries they learned about the other.

            Their turn finally came and they moved to the desk of the customs officer. The young man smiled and greeted them and asked for their passport. Nelson and Judith handed the documents to the friendly officer and quietly waited to answer any questions he might have. The officer scanned the documents and then turned to his computer screen and viewed a few windows he clicked up. As he did his smile faded and he turned to the waiting couple.

            “Mr. and Mrs. Graham, I’m sorry to interrupt your vacation, but I have to ask you to come with me. We need to see the officer in charge.”  With that he closed his booth and stepped out, and motioned for Nelson and Judith to follow him.

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