The Big Blue Ball

Mankind has done some fantastic things in the last one hundred or so years. We started with a double-wing small-engine aircraft that flew a few feet, to massive space craft that could carry a couple of semi-truck loads of equipment into space and hang it there to add to the lights of our night sky. Now passenger space vehicles have gone into the edge space and you also can buy a ticket to fly in space (assuming you have a couple hundred thousand). In fact, we have done so much that seems on the edge of miraculous, that there are some people who think they can compete with God (if there is a God, they add).

What causes me pause when I hear or read these folk’s comments is the big fact they miss. No matter what we hang in space, in orbit around our earth or around another heavenly body, that big blue ball we admire through pictures taken by our space machines, is already there providing the gravity on which we hang our little mechanical assemblies. And that ball has an orderly path that it faithfully maintains. But our small yet seemingly highly sophisticated scientific marvels sometime fail to maintain their orbit and they plunge to a fiery end. 

The human race has solved many complex mysteries. But the best minds today can not solve hate, as evidenced on Sept 11th and by the numerous school shootings, theater shootings, work place shootings, the violence in the name of love, etc., we have suffered through. These minds have raised medical science to amazing accomplishments but the death rate because of suicide continues to rise, with the greatest rise being among teenagers. The greatest of human needs remain outside our ability to solve. It is clear, we can never compete with God, who showed his love through our hate (mankind killed our own Savior – Jesus). Instead, we need His wisdom, His understanding, His guidance, His love, and most of all, His forgiveness. The question we must ask our ourselves is this: “Are we trying to be our own god, or have we realized our need of the One who hung the big blue ball in space?”

1 comment

  1. Great article’s sad that so many people do not BELIEVE in God’s Word and love. Praying for our country daily!

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