“Scoffers” of TRUTH

2 Chron. 36:16  “But they mocked the messengers of God, despised His words, and scoffed at His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy.”

   Scoffing has an “in-your-face” end.  Pro. 21:24 states, “A proud and haughty man ‘Scoffer’ is his name; He acts with arrogant pride.”  And God hates pride and will punish the scoffer.  Note the clear statement of Prov.19:29: “Judgments are prepared for scoffers, And beatings for the backs of fools.”  Our first passage at the top of this article clearly states that “the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy”; and this is for His people, those who had become scoffers.

    Scoffing is the dismissing of truth, the laughing at that truth, and its messenger, because the heart is so absolutely absorbed in self and selfish ways. A scoffer will point out the believed error of the messenger in order to shove aside the truth of God being spoken. But God’s truth cannot be shoved aside. If the scoffer continues unrestrained, the “wrath of the LORD” will have “no remedy” except in the “judgments prepared for scoffers.” And scoffers will not be able to “scoff” their way out of the wrath and judgment of God. “God can’t do nothin’ to me” will be seen by the scoffer for the lie that it is, but it will be too late.

   Our nation seems to be led by scoffers – those who are “scoffers” of TRUTH. To buy into their scoffing suggestions is ultimately fatal, as Adam and Eve discovered. It brought major grief to their hearts because their belief in [s]atan’s lie soon led to one son killing the other son.  Their self-interest brought about self-misery.  We, God’s people today, must never join with the scoffing directed at God’s truth.  May our motto be this: God said it. I will live by it.