October the 2nd, 2021, is the third anniversary of my dear wife, Kathy, going to her retirement home in heaven. So I thought I would post one of her thought provoking ponderings. Look for a book of Kathy’s Ponderings sometime next year.
(K’s Ponderings April 8, 2012)
I am continually amazed at how difficult it is to teach the secular world the Truth. They do not know the LORD so they cannot hear the Truth so the result is that they set up idols. Good grief! What a waste of time and energy!
But God………
But God commands light to shine out of darkness. He will do whatever is necessary to bring skeptics to their knees and light to those who sit in darkness. The rescue of His own people was the primary means God used to make the Egypt of that day to know the true God. It is His way today.
“The Egyptians will know that I AM the LORD.” Ex. 7:5
“For God….”
“…So loved the {secular} world…”
“…That He GAVE…” (Today let’s remember Who He gave
so that we might be FREE!)
“…His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him
will NOT perish but have eternal LIFE!” John 3:16
Pondering today why Jesus had to come and die.
Pondering why Jesus rose from the grave the third day according to Scripture.
God is so merciful. He gave us such a precious and mighty gift. What a beautiful privilege it is to be a child of God. May we NEVER FORGET.